
Data Modelling & Analytics

We maintain a data-driven mindset all throughout the engagement, whether it is during strategy support phase or model development phase, and focus on utilization of big data and machine learning by empowered business users. We have capability to help evolve solutions that start as process automation to cognitive insight and finally cognitive engagement when systems work autonomously.

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AI based virtual assistant

Develop a Virtual Assistant in the form of a Mixed Reality (MR) which integrates the Advanced Artificial intelligence technology to assist the person onboard a ship with the repair and maintenance of the various radar and surveillance systems.

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Satellite Imagery Enhancement

Satellite images of Earth are collected and converted from 2D to super resolved 3D images for change detection. This will be useful for environmentalists and military for surveillance of infrastructure near international borders.

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AI Based Inventory Management

Inventory management in large scales involves maintaining number of excel sheets where finding the details of a particular product is a tedious task. Our AI based system uses object Object detection for identifying a product and provides the user with the availability,location and quantity with accuracy greater than that of a traditional process